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March 2022 Book of the Month



Atlas of the Heart
- by Brené Brown

I want this book to be an atlas for all of us, because I believe that with an adventurous heart and the right maps, we can travel anywhere and never fear losing ourselves.
- Brené Brown


Our 6-week BOOKSTUDY of Atlas of the Heart,
starts Wednesday, March 23, 6 - 7:30 pm.
Co-facilitated by our co-ministers, Revs. Michelle & Kimberly.
Please email us at to sign up.  You may join us in person at Unity of Medford, 540 N Holly St, or you may attend virtually via Zoom.
There is no charge for this group . Love offerings are accepted.

The book is available on in hardback, e-book or audible form.  If possible, read at least the first 2 chapters for next week.
But please feel free to join us even if you have not read yet!

Spiritual Economics: The Principles and Process of True Prosperity
by Eric Butterworth

"This straightforward, nontheological approach to prosperity has been effective for thousands. Learn to work with the flow of life and attract wealth in every area of your life." - from Amazon

2017 Schedule of Books of the Month


December: If you Know Who You Are, You Will Know What To Do by J. Ronald Greer. Theme: Integrity.


November: The Path to Wealth by May McCarthy and Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth. Theme: Financial Wealth and Prosperity.


October: Undefended Love by Jeff Psaris and Merlena S. Lyons and The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz. Theme: Love as Freedom and Safety.


September: Your Life Isn't for You by Seth Adams Smith and Doing Good Better by Williams Macaskill. Theme: Love as Community Service.


August: Ordinary Goodness by Edward Viljoen and The Power of Kindness by Piero Ferrucci. Theme: Love, Compassion and Caring.


July: Gracism: The Art of Inclusion by David A. Anderson. Theme: Open Communication.


June: Crucial Accountability by Kerry Patterson, et al. Theme: Accountability.


May: Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Within Us All by Tom and david Kelly.


April: Love and Law by Ernest Holmes. Theme: Transformation and Evolution.


March:  Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. Theme: Spiritual Living Through Education and Constinuous Improvement.


February: Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. Theme: Diverisity and Inclusivity.


January: This Thing Called You by Ernest Holmes. Theme: Spiritual Living.


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