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Resources for
Spiritual Study
Contemporaries of Ernest Holmes
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mary Baker Eddy
Williams Walker Atkinson

Wonderful Spiritual Movies
What the Bleep Do We Know - our quantum reality
You Can heal Your Life - healing using affirmations
The Secret - the Law of Attraction basics
Groundhog Day - reincarnation
Lucy - the potential of human beings
The Matrix - the illusion of reality
What Dreams May Come - the afterlife
My Dinner with Andre - spirituality vs materialism
Pay It Forward - service and transformation
I Heart Huckabees - the spiritual nature of reality
Star Wars - applied awareness (the Force )
The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - the value of all experience, even hurtful experience
Uplifting Music
John Heartson- We Want the Love to Return​
Klinton Kraft - Amazing Grace remake
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