Prayer Ministry
After service on Sundays our practitioners gift you with prayer. Each week, our Prayer Ministry also
prays for each person who submits a written request. Please use the form below to send us an email
with a brief description of the situation for which you would like prayer and the desired outcome
of the prayer. Please note also if you would like a written response.
What is a Spiritual Practitioner?
A Spiritual Practitioner, licensed by Centers for Spiritual Living, is a person of high spiritual consciousness and a deep understanding of the spiritual nature of Life. He or she has developed a
rich prayer life and personal relationship with the Divine. The Licensed Spiritual Practitioner is
trained in the study of the Science of Mind, and in the art, science and skill of
Spiritual Mind Treatment, also known as Affirmative Prayer. Licensed Spiritual Practitioners
are dedicated to helping others remember the Truth of who they are. They are bound by a
high code of ethics while providing a safe and confidential space for their clients.
You are also invited to contact one of our Practitioners listed below for a longer
spiritual coaching session(s). Practitioners charge $50 for this service.
CSLRV Spiritual Practitioners
Laura Stewart
Rev Andy Anderson
Rev Bonnie Anderson
Rev. Dr. Linda Reppond
Rev. Stephanie Clarke
Karen Jordann
Rev. Kim Bibeau
Nancy Clay
Teresa Jenkins (On sabbatical)
Wendy Welborn
Carol Wythe
541. 292.0093